Friday, June 21, 2013

I am titanium

"Shoot me out, but I won't fall. I am titanium"

Don't you just hate it when plans you make never push through? Like, you spend a lot of time planning something amazing, but something always happens in the end. Now in my case, someone actually shot my "something" down.

Lemme paint you a picture. I asked you to bake an extravagant cake for a party. So you go out of your way to buy the ingredients, and prepare all the necessary tools to bake. Then, just as you're about to put the batter into the oven, I knock the batter onto the floor and tell you I want one single cupcake instead.

That is exactly how I felt. It felt like a knife was jammed into my heart, and turned 360 degrees. To have something you worked so hard, something you put so much time and effort into planning, something so many people helped you with, and something you put so much consideration into. To have something like that shot down killed me a little on the inside.

I spent weeks trying to look for a venue. I spent days conceptualizing the theme. I spent days planning the attire. I spent days talking to the photographer, going over the creative direction of the shoot. I spent hours planning out the date, putting into consideration the weather, the availability of the photographer, as well as the entire EB plus BOD.

It just sucks that you don't even consider everything that put into this as a "hassle" since it hasn't even happened yet. Ugh.

Stupid bitch.

Keep Dreaming.

Friday, June 14, 2013


I was in the middle of our PhilSci yesterday, when I oddly noticed that the sky was getting unusually dark. I though it would be your typical rain. Boy, was I ever wrong.

Once class ended, I went straight to the org room to check out if any freshies left batch rep application forms in the BioSoc cubicle! Luckily, I found 2 more inside the envelope, and was handed one just as I was about to leave the org room.

Once we were out, the rain was just intense. There was already a layer of water over plaza mayor that was at least an inch thick. We tried to cross over to the car park, but all the roads  towards there were flooded. I didn't even want to cross, because I knew that my foot would be completely submerged. So we decided to go to the HS cafeteria near the Botanical Garden instead. Once we got there, the path from the CAL towards the HS caf was submerged in water and mud. We had to go around the place just to get there. And when we got there, we found out the place was closed. Since we didn't want to go around again, we braved it through the muddy waters. So afterwards, we split up. Half of us went to Jollibee in Dapitan, the others braved their way to the car park. One the way to Jollibee, there was the alley way that was COMPLETELY submerged in water, as in up to my ankles (or higher). Anyway, the street it was connected to was fine so we just crossed that. 

Once we got to Jollibee, we started seeing a lot of our blockmates. Turns out a lot of them had the same idea as we did. After eating, one of my friends and I returned to UST after it was announced that classes were suspended. Once we got back, we had to go through flood water, just to cross from the P.Noval Side, to the Lacson side. Once I got to the hospital though, I waded more flood water, until I was stranded at the hospital lobby. The entire lobby was literally flooded. It looked like a fountain actually. I wanted to leave, but both sides were flooded as well. So I was stranded there for 2 hours until i was picked up. Boo

Anyways, I got home safely though. I knew I'd experience something like that, I just didn't expect it to be this soon.

Keep Dreaming.