Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Once Upon A Time

When I was growing up, fairy tales played a HUGE role in my childhood. My parents would always read me my favorite fairy tales and I'm pretty sure I was always watching classic Disney movies on VHS and the like. I remember watching Snow White on Laser disc  Peter Pan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan etc on VHS and even Aladdin on Betamax (don't ask how HAHA). Then when I was 2, my parents took me to the US and while we were in California, they took me to Disneyland where I fell in love with fairy tales even more.

In 2011, I was introduced to the show Once Upon A Time. I had heard quite a bit about it from my friends' tweets and they say it is definitely worth watching. All I can say is that from the time I downloaded the first episode, I immediately fell in love with the show. From the characters to the story line, this show was perfection in my eyes.

I love how this show has taken all of our favorite fairy tale characters (Snow White, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Little Red Riding Hood, etc) and updated them to a more modern setting, giving them depth and levels and showing us a different side that we would've never seen from the original tales (Snow White and Granny being a badass for example).

I swear, to anyone who loves Fairy Tales, this show is a much watch. I highly recommend this show to anyone, from a young child to an adult in their mid-40s and even to senior citizens because I know anyone who's grown up with fairy tales will surely love this.

Catch Once Upon A Time, Sundays at 8/7c on ABC.

Keep Dreaming.

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