Monday, April 15, 2013

Back at the Gym

So today I finally went back into the gym! The last time was near gym equipment was probably last summer, when I used to go to the nearby gym with Kim! I finally felt that this was the right time and opportunity for me to lose weight and go back to the gym, since my dad wanted me to have a summer activity!

Today made me realize how much those first days back at the gym suck. Literally almost every muscle in my body was aching. Thank God was just able to find the strength and energy to take a shower. I felt fine until I got home. After using the laptop for sometime on my bed, I felt the need to go to the bathroom. Problem is, I couldn't get up. As in f'real, I tried every position possible with my hands yet still couldn't do it. I kept on tossing, until I lay on my back. From there, I was able to push myself upward. Up until right now as I'm righting this, my body is sore all over. I hope this blows over tomorrow because I need to go to UST and enroll my sister. *groan*

You know, standing in the shower made me realize something about myself. I hate hardwork. I mean, yeah I appreciate the value of hard work, but I just don't want to do it. As in, I want a 100% completed game without playing through the mini games and side quests. I want to be a doctor without studying for more than 10 years. I want to get rock hard abs without working out. I think this "behavior" of mine isn't mine alone. I'm sure right now, there are a lot of people thinking the exact same thing. I think this stems from an "instant" culture that my generation has. Instant food, instant noodles, instant coffee, instagram, etc. I don't think we value hardwork as older generations have, since they didn't have the conveniences that we have. For example, our rights. Our forefathers had to fight for our rights, yet somehow we don't even acknowledge the rights that we do have, or the responsibilities that come with it.

I can't do anything about this right now. This is just the way that I am. All I can do now is work hard, and hope that soon, my hard work pays off.

Keep Dreaming.

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